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Coordination ability determined transition metal ions substitution of Tb in Tb-Asp fluorescent nanocrystals and a facile ions-detection approach

Coordination ability determined transition metal ions substitution of Tb in Tb-Asp fluorescent nanocrystals and a facile ions-detection approach


Jiazhi Duan, Baojin Ma, Feng Liu, Shan Zhang, Shicai Wang, Ying Kong, Min Du, Lin Han, Jianjun Wang, Yuanhua Sang and Hong Liu.


Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 7526-7535



Although the synthesis and fluorescent properties of lanthanide-amino acid complex nanostructures have been investigated extensively, limited studies have been reported on metal ions’ substitution ability for the lanthanide ions in the complex and their effect on the fluorescent property. In this study, taking biocompatible Tb-aspartic acid (Tb-Asp) complex nanocrystals as a model, the substitution mechanism of metal ions, particularly transition metals, for Tb ions in Tb-Asp nanocrystals and the change in the fluorescent property of the Tb-Asp nanocrystals after substitution were systematically investigated. The experimental results illustrated that metal ions with higher electronegativity, higher valence, and smaller radius possess stronger ability for Tb ions’ substitution in Tb-Asp nanocrystals. Based on the effect of substituting ions’ concentration on the fluorescent property of Tb-Asp, a facile method for copper ions detection with high sensitivity was proposed by measuring the fluorescent intensity of Tb-Asp nanocrystals’ suspensions containing different concentrations of copper ions. The good biocompatibility, great convenience of synthesis and sensitive detection ability make Tb-Asp nanocrystals a very low cost and effective material for metal ions detection, which also opens a new door for practical applications of metal-Asp coordinated nanocrystals.



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