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Laser floating zone growth of improper geometric ferroelectric GdInO3 single crystals with Z6 topological defects

Laser floating zone growth of improper geometric ferroelectric GdInO3 single crystals with Z6 topological defects

Yanbin Liab, Yazhong Wangb, Wenjie Tana, Wenbo Wangb, Junjie Zhangc,Jae Wook Kimb, Sang-Wook Cheong*b and Xutang Tao*a

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 7024


We report the first single crystal growth of GdInO3 using a laser floating zone furnace. The crystals were studied using single crystal/powder X-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, piezoresponse force microscopy, and polarization switching techniques. The successful growth of single crystal GdInO3 will (i) promote deep understanding of this material, including the mechanism of geometric ferroelectricity and Z6 vortex topological defects domain structures, and (ii) provide rich opportunities as a substrate for thin film growth, for example, for important ferroelectric and/or multiferroic materials.



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