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Electric-elastic properties of a novel high-quality CdTeMoO6 piezoelectric crystal

Electric-elastic properties of a novel high-quality CdTeMoO6 piezoelectric crystal

Conggang Li, Zeliang Gao*, Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun and Xutang Tao*

CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 5602-5608


Large sized crystals of CdTeMoO6 with dimensions up to 30 × 12 × 9 mm3 were successfully grown using top-seeded solution growth technique with optimized flux system. High resolution X-ray diffraction rocking curve measurements revealed that the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve was 36 arcsec from the (001) reflection, which indicated high crystal quality. A complete set of room temperature elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric constants of CdTeMoO6 single crystals was obtained using both resonance techniques and impedance analysis. The results demonstrate that the CdTeMoO6 crystal possesses intriguing piezoelectric and elastic properties. The piezoelectric coefficients d14 and d36 reached 20.14 pC·N-1 and 7.58 pC·N-1, respectively, and the corresponding electromechanical coupling coefficients k14 and k36 were up to 22.78% and 19.48%, respectively. Furthermore, the relationship between the crystal structure and piezoelectric properties is also investigated. Our observations indicate that CdTeMoO6 crystal is a good potential candidate for piezoelectric applications.




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