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Controllable Seeded Flux Growth and Optic-electric Properties of Bulk o-SiP Crystals

Controllable Seeded Flux Growth and Optic-electric Properties of Bulk o-SiP Crystals

Chunlong Li, a Shanpeng Wang, *ab Xixia Zhang, a Ning Jia, a Tongtong Yu, a Min Zhu, a Duo Liu, ab and Xutang Tao *ab


Two-dimensional (2D) materials have recently attracted great interest due to the promising optoelectronic applications. Orthorhombic SiP (o-SiP) is a 2D layered crystal and may have a significant impact on opto-electronic technologies. Large-sized bulk o-SiP single crystals have been successfully grown by seeded flux method for the first time. The size and morphology of o-SiP crystals can be controlled by changing the growth conditions. The carrier mobility and band gap of o-SiP were characterized in detail. Photoresponse properties of o-SiP were investigated and a relatively fast response has been demonstrated. O-SiP might be an excellent candidate for applications in electronics and optoelectronics.


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